I'm not entirely sure where the last 4 months have gone but we now have a 4 month old that is keeping us on our toes!
December 10th, 2015
13lb 8oz (10th percentile)
23 in (3rd percentile)
61st percentile for head
Being down in the shop
Loves the dogs
Being naked
Being left alone
Stopping at stop lights in the car
6 times a day
~4 oz in a bottle
Take 3 bottles during the day while Mom is at work
Still every 2-3 hours and scream when you're hungry
Pretty solid through the night except for the last week
The 4 month sleep regression is real!
7pm-6am typically
Clothes & Diapers
Size 2 diapers
Mostly 3 month clothes still
Some 3-6 month outfits
Odds & Ends
Finding your voice--typically when you're mad or tired
Attached to paci when tired
Gavin and I went to an Iowa football game and T stayed at Grandma and Grandpa Rottink's for the first time.
Gavin really doesn't like gender neutral clothing and refused to let him leave the house in this! Lol
First Thanksgiving!
No caption needed!
This is what happens when Eddie is around! No sense of a personal bubble!
...and just needed to be a little bit closer
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