Planning for profession pictures is just a little nerve-wracking for me. Partially because you pay money for just a couple of shots that you tend to use and partially because Treyton doesn't smile once that big black camera is out and he will, without a doubt, spit up all over himself.
His 6 month pictures also were a little challenging for me in the clothing front because I wasn't about to buy him new 6 month clothes to wear just for pictures. I had been successfully squeezing him into nice 3 month clothes for church but they were looking a little snug for pictures. I found some cute outfits at Crazy 8 but they're sizing just blows my mind a bit....6-12 months. There is a lot of growth that happens in that time frame. How do they possibly just make one size?! Nevertheless, I didn't leave myself enough time to do anything else so that is what I went with and it was just all too big on him.
I can't thank Beth enough for the shots she gets of him even though he refuses to smile and drenches himself in spit up EVERY. SINGLE. SHOOT!
Here they are! He turned 6 months old on February 10th, 2016!
Please check out how hard I was attempting to make him smile and the smirk I was getting in return!
Hat complements of Great Grandma Debban!
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