Friday Favorites!

in , by Gavin and Kylie Plus 4, 5:00 AM
I'm linking up with Andrea over at Momfessionals today to share some of my favorite things!  I have a really random list of things but yet things I find myself using or wearing very regularly!
First up!  These diffusers!  We can't seem to catch a break with sickness this winter so I've been pulling out all the stops.  It smells like Thieves all.the.time!

I have one in each of our bedrooms and feel like they work great for the space!  It turns different colors, has two different settings, and shuts off automatically when it runs out of water.

I have this one in my classroom and love that it holds more water, has time settings, and has different mist settings.  I'd highly recommend this one for large rooms or where you would like one running all day!  I forgot to snap a picture while I was at school but promise it look super cute on my shelf. :-)
With our winter being soooo dry and never ending, we have all needed a humidifier running here and there.  We have three of this exact one as I loved it so much when I got it when Treyton was a baby.  It holds enough water to run for several nights, and you can adjust how much mist comes out.  My favorite part is that it holds Vick's Vapo tabs on the side so it diffuses Vick instead of rubbing it on my babes.  I can tell a huge difference in Trynlee's rattly chest if I have this bad boy running at night.

On the topic of winter being soooo dry....  I feel like I am constantly battling some sort of blemish or acne on my face but go back to this over and over because I feel like it clears things up quickly!  I can't typically handle lotion on my face very well but it has been so dry this winter that this has worked perfectly!
These jeans are my go-to currently!  I have a colored pair as well and I just REALLY like the brand--Kut from the Kloth.  They are a little bit stretchy and the waist is cut a bit higher.  I wear them with tall boots as well as booties!

This last one is a favorite item of every single day!  My Dyson stick might be my favorite household item.  We use it several times each day--after every meal and most nights before bed!  It does a good job on both our wood floors and also carpet.  I love that I don't have to pull out our big vacuum since our wood floor isn't great to sweep.  It comes with several different attachments so we use it all over the house--floors, inbetween cushions, drawers... If you have little people that make a trail of crumbs and dirt all day long, you need this in your life!
Ours is several years old and still works great.  It is wireless and comes with a wall hanging charger, and easily dumps without having to take anything apart.  Ours is not pink but this one is a very similar model.

Let me know if you have something similar and you think I'd enjoy it as well!  Have a great Friday and I hope you have a great weekend!

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