Cricut Crafting!

by Gavin and Kylie Plus 4, 4:30 AM
Anyone else feeling this way today?!  It has just been a LONG week around the Steege house.  We've had a lot going on, Taylor has been SUPER clingy, and we're sooo close to having some time off.

Has anyone else's 16 month old gone through a super clingy, won't let you put them down, phase?  It has happened totally out of the blue and she acts like the boogey man is going to get her the second you even attempt to put her down.  She panics!  Normal?!  Getting supper ready when we get home with her attached to me or crying because she down and then two others playing under my feet has been rather interesting.  Peanut butter and jelly anyone?!?

Today's post is going to be short a sweet!  
Conferences on a Monday night have WIPED.ME.OUT!  I'm also trying really really hard to stay totally caught up on grading and plans at school, laundry, and do all the things each night.

I did make a little time to whip up a couple of shirts this week! I have officially taken up space in our designated craft room turned toy room downstairs so using my Cricut isn't such a chore anymore.  It just all stays out instead of unpacking and packing everything back up each time.  It's been a game changer.

A cute little girl we know is currently taking baton lessons and wanted a shirt to wear to watch her coach.  How fun is that?!
I have some fun shirts in the works for my own kids that I will finish up this weekend!  I will make sure to share them soon.  I even am making some fun bows to match.

Have a great Thursday!
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