Anyone else need one more day of the weekend?!? I swear two days just isn't enough!
If you missed my March goal! Check it out HERE!
I had conferences Thursday night so on Friday morning, I declared our kitchen closed Friday night and we made plans to order some pizza after work. Gavin had a walk through on a new building that is in the works so I swung by the bank and ordered supper while we visited Nana.
After supper and while waiting for Gavin to get home, we were playing in the living room when Trynlee had her 2nd breath-holding spell. Her first spell was Dec. 30th and we called 911 as we didn't know what was happening. It was the scariest thing I've ever had as a parent and while it probably only lasted 30 seconds, I thought we were losing her. A spell for her is likely pain induced and she begins crying, lets out a big breath, and then goes stiff, blue, and then passes out. As soon as this happens, her body takes over and she starts breathing again. I really never wish it upon any parent as it is terrifying, but I was much calmer this time around and just made sure she was safe, checked the time so I knew how long it lasted, and called Gavin for him to get home. The first time this happened, we found out she also had pneumonia and after an ambulance ride, she spent the night in the hospital. This time around, she acted like her normal self, and we just kept a closer eye on her. I'm praying she grows out of this quickly or I may have a full head of gray hair! I am also even more thankful for our Owlet that monitor their heart rates and oxygen levels when things like this happen or when they are sick.
If you are looking to go in on a group gift for a new mom, I highly recommend the Owlet!
Gavin needed to haul grain to the ethanol plant Saturday morning, and I wasn't real sure I was ready to be home by myself for a large part of the day after Friday night, so we spent the morning hanging out at my parents house. Treyton got to watch Papa and Gavin load grain and we built lots of
magna-tile creations for Trynlee to destroy. We made it home for ALL of us to take a much needed nap!
Gavin's brother, sister-in-law, and 3 boys came over to watch the Iowa basketball game. The big boys played, rough housed, and played some more!
This blurry picture sums up their night! #neverstoppedmoving
They all share a love of diggers and farm equipment and watched some John Deere earth moving videos.
Played some bingo!
And Taylor quickly became Uncle Collin's buddy and gave him about 300 sloppy kisses.
We whipped up a pot of chili earlier that afternoon and all enjoyed it! If you are looking for a family friendly pot of chili, here it is!
Our night ended with some Mya snuggles!
Do anyone else kids have to woken up every school day but wake up super early on the weekends? Or is that just ours?! We wake our kids up around 6:15 every day during the week but all three of them were awake a ready to go before 6:00 Sunday morning. I am always hopeful that they might snuggle in with us but it always ends up with the girls jabbing you in the eye or putting their fingers up your nose.
We had some pancakes and made our way to church. My biggest stress church is sending our kids to Sunday School and the nursery. All three of them just don't really like to leave us in places that they aren't overly comfortable with but all three of them walked right in and never looked back this week. Gavin and I looked at each other in disbelief and quickly walked to grab a coffee and our seats. Our numbers never even popped up on the screen and we went to pick them up to find Tay and Tryn sleeping with one of the ladies in the nursery. Bless her soul! Treyton was so happy to show us a sheet he had colored and share that Jesus loves him!
We made a quick Target run for some vacation necessities and a couple more board games. I just couldn't play Candyland one more time for a couple of days. After all of our snow days, we were in need of a couple more inside activities to get us to the end of winter.
Target dollar spot for the win!
Not real sure why the girls are Mya's favorites. ;-)
Tryn got a nap during church and then on the way home from Target so laying down for the afternoon was a bit of a struggle. I'm not sure I've ever laid down with either one of the girls for a nap but I can't say I was bummed.
We ended our weekend at with Gavin's brothers and parents for some pizza, and then came home to play our new game-- Yeti in my Spaghetti!
and a couple of rounds of Count Your Chickens!
I hope you have a great week and that you stay warm if you are local!!
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