Good morning and happy Thursday!
We have school off tomorrow for Good Friday so today is a good day!
I had grand intentions of having 5 posts up this week and actually have most of the started or almost completely done. I really just needed to take some pictures and get them uploaded--which is kind of painful with our turtle speed internet.
Treyton woke up Sunday night with a high fever and a terrible cough. Tylenol and/or Motrin really weren't touching it so he has been miserable! I figured it was just viral due to other kids at daycare having similar symptoms and finding out it was a virus at the doctors.
A 102 temp though was taking its toll on him and my mother-in-law, who was watching him on Tuesday, texted to let me know his fever just kept climbing. After a call into our pediatrician, we went right in, ended up with some chest x-rays, and he landed himself with a pneumonia diagnosis.
After several round of antibiotics, he has been fever free for a day now and heading in the right direction.
Taylor also has a double ear infection. Both girls also have a junky sounding cough. So after some
breathing treatments, and zero sleep for us, we are limping into the weekend!
I'm hoping to get a Friday Favorites post up tomorrow but that's not 100%. I'll for sure be back on Monday with a recap of our Easter weekend!
Have a great weekend!
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