Friday Favorites: Summer Break Edition!

in , by Gavin and Kylie Plus 4, 4:00 AM
Happy Friday!!!

As of this morning, I have 6 days left with students!  Oofta!  I love my job.  I really do!  But going to school in June...June just a tad painful.  We had 9 snow days which has led me to working until June 10th.  I enjoyed every minute of our snow days and am paying the price now.  It is supposed to be 85 today and without air conditioning and prepubescent 9 years olds, my classroom smells grand my 3pm.  You can almost smell it as you're reading this, can't you?!  ;-)

On to some Friday Favorites now that I put that awesome picture in your mind! Lol!

I am linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals today!

Our ski club friends become much like family as we spend every weekend with them!  These 4 had a play date before Memorial Day weekend since we didn't have our campers in yet.  This picture makes me sooo happy!  Some of my absolute best friends growing up were my ski club friends, and I love that my kids are going to have that too.
Due to Trynlee being in the hospital on Mother's Day, I got to plant my flowers the next weekend.  It was beautiful and our kids had a blast playing in the dirt and just being outside!  If you are local, I have had such good luck at Dew on the Roses greenhouse.
Power tool?!  So shocking that he loves it!
This gator has so so many miles on it!  We haven't really let the girls ride with Treyton but Gavin followed him around for a bit and let Trynlee ride.  She was in heaven!
Our favorite Californians came home for a long weekend and while we didn't get to spend a bunch of time with them, it sure was wonderful!
BEST PURCHASE EVER!!  If you have little kids and don't have a water table.  Stop reading right now.  Click on THIS link and get yourself one!  You will thank yourself later!  I can't explain how much our kids LOVE this thing!  
We have had a water table for several years but I couldn't find it to save my life so ended up ordering a new one.
So glad I did!  This one is a little bit bigger which allows all three of them room to play.  Taylor, especially, could stand and play at it for a long time.  She inevitably is drenched every single time but it entertains them for a long time!
Because when you're three, you apparently can't just smile for a picture!
It is now on our back deck and allows me to be in the kitchen and watch them play while I get supper going.  #hallelujah 
I'm afraid we are going to have to purchase a second one of these in the near future!
The weather was finally nice enough Memorial Day weekend, and we got to enjoy the river!  It was such a great couple of days getting to relax.  Treyton played in the sand most of the time, and the girls were just ecstatic to roam around...and eat watermelon.  Lots of watermelon!
Lunch with friends if our favorite!  If you're looking for a great kid's picnic table, HERE is the one we have at home.  It folds up flat and is sturdy.
Gavin's brother, Jamison, and his girlfriend, Payton, have lived with us for most of the school year.  While I was hesitant about the idea at first, as our house just seems so chaotic at times, it has been wonderful!  Their house is just about finished and they will be moving out in just a couple of weeks.  I have enjoyed having them around to chat with, extra sets of eyes and hands, late night games of Catan, and an extra lawn mower.  But while I will miss having them around, our kids are going to miss them more!  Our kids stand at the top of the stairs and wait for them in the morning and any other time they can hear them downstairs.
We went to check out their house the other night and their awesome yard.  Jamison has been telling Treyton for weeks that he has an awesome sandbox, and Treyton has really struggled to understand that it is just their entire yard.  He's got a much better idea of it now.
Taylor shockingly went straight for the puddle!
And Treyton threw rocks in the water!

Lucky for us, or them, they are only moving a couple of miles down the road so they won't be getting rid of us anytime soon!  I might be in the process of making a slumber party at their house sounding like a really fun idea for Treyton! :-)

Have a fantastic weekend, and I hope the weather is treating you well!

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  1. Cuties. Happy weekend. Hope the rest of the school year goes by quickly.


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