May has been one heck of a month! It's been challenging (like really challenging) but we have been reminded over and over again about God's love for us.
I feel like this has been my motto for several weeks as we have been running on fumes! I really thought that when we got to Spring we would be free of sickness. But, I was wrong....really wrong!
I picked up Treyton Friday, May 3rd from daycare with a fever and it just went downhill from there! He was rechecked for pneumonia but we were told that it was just viral.
Trynlee and Taylor got it Tuesday and struggled for the next week and a half!
Thursday--Walk In Clinic--oxygen looked okay and likely viral
Friday--Urgent Care at 8:00pm for Taylor--steroid shot for Croup
Saturday--Walk In Clinic for Trynlee for rapid breathing and sent straight to the ER--Chest xray showed pneumonia and oxygen levels were low
This is how we celebrate Gavin's birthday! :-(
and Mother's Day!
Our city hospital doesn't admit children as young as Trynlee so we were transferred via ambulance to a larger hospital about 30 minutes away. She stayed for one night at this same hospital for pneumonia in December.
You can read about that stay HERE.
From there, Tryn just really struggled with her breathing. It was super fast and really labored. She was put on heated, hi flow to help, but for two/three days, she just really didn't improve a ton. They did additional lab work when we arrived and she tested positive for two different viruses. The pediatrician said that the symptoms she was struggling with were likely from the Human Pneumovirus and explained it has been worse than RSV this year and symptoms last for several weeks. They were very honest that if they felt she wasn't improving or they could no longer care for her, they would be transferring her to a larger hospital about 1.5 hours away. By day 3, they began talking about that more and more as she was receiving as much support as they could offer her. They also said that when most kids start to "turn the corner" it happened quickly!
Praise the Lord! By Tuesday night, they felt she might handle less breathing support and began weaning it. She was at 13L of pressure and 33% oxygen that night and was at 9L and 21% (room air) by morning. God heard our prayers and answered them in BIG ways that night.
Gosh! We've been blessed by our daycare providers in BIG BIG ways!
Over the next day she was able to be weaned off the rest of the breathing support and then maintained it on her own for 24 hours to get discharged!
Taylor, had been home this entire time, and was struggling as well. We had taken her in one more time and were told to continue watching her. Basically, she just wasn't struggling enough to be admitted. :-( It broke my heart to not be able to be with her, too.
Did I mention that this entire Spring it has rained?! Well, when Trynlee got sick, it was beautiful outside and was the first nice days for my dad and Gavin to be able to get in the field to plant. This through a wrench into everything because he wasn't able to get our kids from daycare. We were once again reminded how fortunate we are to be surrounded by family and friends as they held down the fort and took care of Treyton and Taylor.
We can't thank everyone for all of the thoughts, prayers, and help over the last couple of weeks!
I will be back on Friday with some Friday Favorites!! Have a great week!
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