If I could go back to January 2020 and give myself a little heads up for what was to come, I'm not even sure what I would say to be honest. Travel? Stock up on toilet paper? Hang out with everyone possible?
December was a REALLY rough month for us so we were ready for 2020 to bring us some good health and less exciting days! And for the most part, January was great! I made a huge leap of faith and resigned from my dream job to be home with my kids. While teaching and serving children is what I feel called to do, a much bigger part of me felt (and still feels) pulled home with my kids. I was feeling spread really thin and was hating the feeling of not being able to give my best to any title I held.
As we rushed down to the Children's Hospital after putting Trynlee in the helicopter, I looked at Gavin and told him I needed to be home with our kids. In that moment, my heart knew where I needed to be. In true Gavin fashion, a much more calm and collected person, he told me we could revisit it when our emotions weren't out of control. After a ton of praying, discussing, and stressing about it, I made the decision to step back until our kids are in school, and it has been such a good path for me. Don't get me wrong, there are days that Gavin walks in the door, and I am needing a break. But getting to be home has been wonderful! Covid has thrown a lot of wrenches into my adventure-loving plans, but quality time is my love language--so I'm feeling real loved!!
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