Oh March! You're a bittersweet month to look back on! I was in the "sweet spot" of pregnancy--where you're comfortable, look cute, and feel good, I turned 30 and was thrown a surprise birthday party, and then Covid hit and the world shut down. We navigated a pretty tight lockdown due to being pregnant, having twins that didn't handle respiratory viruses very well, and knowing very little about the virus. I tried my best to teach 3rd graders online, find everything we needed online, and keep my sanity at home!
When our Iowa spring allowed, we got outside, played with chalk, in the mud, went for walks, and got some vitamin D.
While this kid missed his friends BIG, he thrived with virtual preschool lessons and didn't mind Mom being his teacher.
This picture must have been taken right before we basically locked our doors. They LOVE their grandparents and not being able to see them for months was hard.
If you know Taylor, you know that "graceful" isn't her middle name. I would hate to know how many times she has tripped and hit her head. :(
I have never been more thankful to live in small town Iowa. We were able to be outside, play, fly kites, and live a fairly "normal" life in our own space.
Our sandbox was played in for HUNDREDS of hours from March-November of 2020.
Max began digging a hold and threw sand right into Treyton's mouth. Yes, I took a picture before I helped him get the sand out. Ha!
Matching capital and lower case letters!
Letter scavenger hunt around our house! I hid letters all over and they found them and matched the uppers and lowers.
Fruit Loop rainbows! If all else fails, do an activity with Fruit Loops!
Water beads will forever be one of my kids favorite sensory bins! They will also be my least favorite sensory item to chase around our house as they bounce off the counter. :-). They just got a sensory table for Christmas actually!
Their love for joining me during a workout started during quarantine!
The beginning of a St. Patrick's day craft!
Another day--another Fruit Loop rainbow!
We did a weather unit and worked on spelling their names. Trynlee and Taylor worked more on identifying and matching letters, while Treyton worked on cutting the raindrops out and spelling his name.
The finished product!
Stringing beads on a pipe cleaner may still be one of Trynlee's favorite activities! Fine motor work at its finest!
Treyton worked on making patterns.
We got a new hot tub! If you are my Snapchat friend, you probably got a lot of videos of me standing out in the freezing cold lots of nights. I couldn't get in because I was pregnant but Gavin needed help here and there. The girls really figured out their puddle jumpers quickly.
They would swim in the hot tub just about every night. These towels were the BEST!
Treyton was working on matching lower and uppercase letters this day. He was putting dot stickers on the poster.
We love birthday banners around here!
Singing happy birthday to Uncle Jamison! I can hear Tryn saying cheese with that smile.
We did lots of baking through quarantine. Lots of baking that could be shared with no one due to the amount of finger and utensil licking that took place!
Treyton's preschool teacher did several directed drawing and he LOVED them. They really challenged him at first but with a little help at home, he was always so proud of how they turned out.
More fruit loop crafts! :-) Treyton worked on some addition and the girls worked on their colors.
Dot markers are also a fan favorite around here!
Not sure what you're looking at mom, but I certainly didn't color on anything but the paper! ;-)
The girls LOVE helping in the kitchen. We were making banana bread this particular morning.
Our first drive by birthday parade happened and we definitely made some signs! I hope birthday parades last for years to come!
Oh Triggy! We didn't know if you were a boy or a girl at this point and I am sooo glad we waited to find out.
Little mother hen and all of her hoarding tendencies. She still loves to cart around every little piece she can hold or shove into a purse. Is this normal?!!? Lol!
While he may push all of my buttons and make me want to pull my hair out a lot of days, he sure is cute and can be the sweeetesst little man!
I obviously hadn't braved cutting his hair yet, but he worked hard at learning all of his letters!
Qtip painting to work on some fine motor skills!
We used these puff balls for lots of different activities. Our elf just filled an entire lamp base up with them as well. The gift that keeps on.....getting everywhere! Hah!
There were days that letter activities weren't his favorite, but he will work with numbers ALL DAY LONG!
We were super thankful for some warm days in March that allowed us to spend some nights outside.
Nothing screams spring in Iowa like winter coats in the morning and shorts in the afternoon.
She kills me! To this day, she can't get her shoes on the correct feet, doesn't care how many patterns she's wearing, and will always sport a cheesy smile.
I remember taking this pictures and feeling soooo thankful for our health, where we lived, our weather that day, and the opportunity to be home with my kids. I have those same feelings today and hope this is finding you in good health and lots of things to be thankful for.
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