Flashback to Trigg's 1st Birthday!
He continues to be the smiliest, goofiest, happiest little guy that has every single one of us wrapped around his finger. If only he routinely slept through the night, he would be absolutely perfect. Kind of kidding! Lol!
Treyton wore this exact same shirt for his 1st birthday pictures and since they seem to be twins in about every single way, it only made sense.
Tell a one year old not to touch the water and see what he does--most likely going to get a mischievous grin!
Then we moved onto cake and this kid could survive on sweets! It wasn't an issue to get him to dig in.
Why don't you just let me grab the whole piece, Beth?!
Party time!
We had the most beautiful weather and he got a lot of water toys which worked out perfectly!
Happy birthday, Buddy! We couldn't love you more!
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