Nothing like another 5-7 inches of snow to result in another snow day!
That makes 9 snow days. NINE! I am starting to fear that we may still be in school on the 4th of July. And guess what, we've got more bad weather heading our way this weekend!
We surrender, Mother Nature!
I feel like I am running out of ideas to do in our house all day long so we had a really low key, kind of boring day!
Gavin and I were downstairs working out when the alert went off on my phone that school had been cancelled. I had a pretty good feeling that we would cancel but I got up and moving anyways.
Trynlee was up and crying by 5:30 so Gavin ran up and got her. She joined us for the end of our workout and Gavin had her curling a 2lb dumbbell.
I clearly snapped more pictures of Trynlee throughout the day, partly because she didn't sleep very much. All three of them were up before 6 so they all got a quick shower, and we were ready to start out 7:00. We aren't ever ready this early when we need to leave on time.
Treyton went out to plow snow and the girls stood on his stool and watched the entire time. They think they are pretty big stuff being able to see out the window. Treyton's time is coming, too, when he is going to have to share his spot in the skid loader.
This little lady decided that she was done napping after only an hour. #sigh This resulted in taking some selfies. It never fails that when I want to take a nap, someone doesn't cooperate.
We had to run to Walmart Tuesday afternoon and I snagged several Hasbro games for only $5. I knew there was a pretty good possibility that we were going to be at home the next day and knew we needed some new activities. Treyton is really into games all of the sudden so I let him pick out a few. He is surprisingly good at this fishing one. The girls also sat and played with it on the floor for a really long time. They were thrilled that he was outside and didn't take it from them, and they just took all the fish out and then put them all back a dozen times.
We also got the game Hi-Ho Cherry Oh! and played that several times during the girls' morning nap.
I threw together these Mexi Meatballs in the crockpot right after lunch for supper. I make a lot of recipes from Shay at Mix and Match Mama.
I had had enough of being inside and the snow FINALLY stopped after everyone was up from their naps so we bundled up and went for a little walk.
Treyton has two snow shovels his size but Mya has snagged both of them at some point, and they are now laying under two feet of snow some where in our yard.
Tay and Tryn were thrilled to be outside (even though they don't look very excited) and were perfectly content just watching Mya and Treyton.
They recently have learned how to go up stairs, and we stopped to see Gavin at his office. They immediately run to any open stairway now. Taylor has mastered going down on her belly, and Trynlee still tries to walk right off of them.
After supper and getting the girls to bed, we played a couple of rounds of Candy Land, another $5 score. I just love that he is able to play games now and actually understands the rules for the most part. We've had lots of conversations about cheating, being a good loser, and sportsmanship in the last week. ;-)
Have a great day!! I will be back tomorrow with some Friday Favorites!
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